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ATA Membership is open to all Army Regular, Reserve and Veterans. The ATA has a diverse membership, not only in ability and experience but also in the level at which athletes train, compete or just socialise. Whatever your chosen distance, preference to Duathlon or Triathlon, aims and goals, be assured you will not be alone.

Being a member of the ATA will provide you a huge range of benefits including:

  • Pre-Fixture Training and ATA Unit Facilitated training days Jan-Mar
  • Advice and mentoring from our own BTF trained coaches
  • Excellent Kit and Equipment discount codes from; Apex, TheMagic5, Huub

Membership Form

  • DD dash MM dash YYYY
  • Your personal address will access your Huub discount code. Please do not use your military address as this will not allow you to use the Huub discount.
  • example: BTF Lv 1
  • Transfer Reference should start with: TRI, surname and last 3 digits of your service number. Example: TRISURE1234 Membership payment of £15 needs to be transferred to Army Triathlon Association - Account Number: 20299924 Sort Code: 16-19-26
    By ticking this box, you accept and acknowledge that ATA membership runs from 01 April - 31 March each year regardless of when you joined the ATA.